Unconditional love section ideas

I have found it really hard to think of interesting things that I could use for the section on unconditional love, my first initial ideas when thinking of my magazine content I thought of symbolic images, poems and philosophy quotes. All of which I have struggled to find, I did however think of other ways I could show unconditional love in the form of mother and child.

I interviewed a close friend from home who became a mother at 17 and how having her beautiful little girl really did do her the world of good and the significant change between a college burnout who did Class A drugs on a regular basis to a young woman dedicated to her daughters well being and is now about to go to university to train to be a midwife, all because of this one little person.

I also took a screenshot of something a close family friend put on facebook when it was her sons 5th birthday and how he meant the world to her. With this section because it is so obvious what unconditional love is, it felt better to keep it short and be more text based rather than through images as the only ways to display it through imagery is through images of pets or family, which while nice is uninspiring. I had an idea to get people to write down what unconditional love meant to them on post it’s so I can scan them in and create a page with all my post its on, this is something that will vary on each person and is more personal and also maybe in a way more relatable and inter actable to the reader as it shows that I have gone out and spoken to people to see what there thoughts are on the subject.


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