10 Magazine

What I like about 10 Magazine is its writing, the content is always interesting and full of facts and information, and while sounding intelligent it comes across like you are talking to a friend. Writer Natalie Dembinska, who writes the majority of what features in 10 Magazine comes across witty and humorous in a way that I don’t think any other magazine does. Her style of writing at times can be very informal but is made up with the amount of cross referencing and comparisons to other sources she uses, always backing up her point.

I like the way she writes as it feels like she is talking to you and like it is a flowing conversation your having, which makes the text more engaging and makes you want to read more. She also uses words that aren’t grammatically correct in her texts, more slang kind of words for example: kinda. Words you wouldn’t really associate with a glossy fashion magazine yet it works. Also looking through previous 10 issues at some of her written work it comes across almost like a gossip column, only small written pieces never big articles but its a nice touch to add in with all the seriousness and is a fresh take.

I feel that my own personal style of writing is a little similar to Dembinska’s in the way that I seem to write how I would converse with someone if writing articles or on my blog and when I have written previously for magazine blogs during placements etc. I have made informal, if at times crude fashion jokes in my work, similar to her. I would like to keep my style of writing close to what I know in terms of it feeling more like a discussion rather than a statement but with a bit more seriousness, as I want my pieces to come across more intelligent with the theme I have picked rather than funny as I think that would make it a bit cliche plus that in itself, trying to write something that is more intelligent, formal and explanative is something that will push me as I know my own writing skills are less formal and also I dont really explain subjects or go in depth enough on them as I know the subject but kind of forget that my audience might not know about it’s history or links to it.

Featured on the PDF’s below are annotated articles of her work.


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